Vegan & Cruelty-Free


Coco Nature is a true Vegan brand, creating products of no animal origin. We use 100% Vegan ingredients, without exception. There is a great risk of mistreatment and exploitation of animals even with simple ingredients such as milk.

We refuse to use products that are obtained from an animal, frequently used in cosmetics such as:

  • Honey
  • Bees wax
  • Goat’s milk
  • Tallow (Animal fat for soap)
  • Lanolin (Sheep Wool)

Testing on animals is not necessary! Formulating products with naturally derived ingredients that are gentle and known to be safe is the best solution.

Cheap industrial ingredients (names you can't even pronounce) require careful testing. Companies who use these chemicals in their formulas are always concerned about legal situations or claims against them.

As a consumer, you can make a difference by supporting cruelty-free brands.