About us


Our story starts in 2017 when an unlikely duo met in Montreal, Canada during a dinner invitation. Paula and Nader became friends yet they had completely different point of view about life. Paula, a marketing director with a strong belief in sustainability. Nader, a trained bio-chemist with experience in cosmetics. He was a man of science and skeptical about all things "natural". It was the first time Nader had been exposed to a person truly living an eco-friendly life; “She had so many different bottles for composting, refilling, reusing, etc… Paula researched every single item. Nader thought that most people were usually pretending, it was shocking to see it in action. After meeting a few times, Nader realized that Paula truly applied and lived by it, every second of the day. In the time that he knew her, she had even bought a small farm (Fermette Coco) to aim for self-sufficiency and animal rescue values.

Paula had a strong dislike of shampoo bars. She had tried every type she could get her hands on. "How is it supposed to be sustainable if it underperforms and crumbles after a few uses?”

A new union was formed, merging science, nature and ethics! 

47 different iterations of a shampoo bars later added with Nader years of research and development; Coco Nature was born!